Requesting Substitute Housekeeping Personnel

Because substitute and floater custodians must be paid for by local school funding, custodians may not request their own substitutes. Only a principal or a principal's designee (usually the plant operator) may request a substitute or a floater custodian.

Instructions for Requesting Substitute Custodians

You may request a substitute custodian through SmartFind, a new web-based assignment system. It's user-friendly and provides easy access to your location's data. To access the system, go to eSchool Solutions SmartFindExpress or go to the JCPS homepage and:

  • Click Employees.
  • Click Substitute Requests & Assignments.
  • Click SmartFind Express Substitute Request Line for Custodians.

Staff authorized to request substitute custodians must have an access ID number and PIN number. If you do not have that information, contact the Housekeeping Services Office. The SmartFind website displays tabs to create an absence or vacancy or to review absences. The screen should be self-explanatory, but system user guides are attached. You may wish to print the screen or record the job number once you have created a job request. Having job number information makes it easier to review a particular job. The system also allows you to review substitute utilization data for any date range.

SmartFind User Guides

  • Administrator User Guide
  • Employee User Guide
  • Substitute Employee User Guide
  • Operator's Reference Guide