Band Audition Requirements
YPAS Bands
To learn even more about our program visit YPAS Bands

Woodwind & Brass
Applicants should be prepared to perform major scales ascending and descending for as many octaves as possible in the following concert keys: C, F, B-flat, E-flat, A-flat, D-flat, G & D. (If students can perform more scales, including minor forms, they should do so.)
Be prepared to perform a chromatic scale ascending and descending in two or more octaves. Students perform one étude from an étude book or a book of studies written specifically for their instrument. Students also perform one solo from the repertoire for their specific instrument; a movement from a sonata or concerto would be an excellent choice. An exercise from a band class method book is not acceptable. An individual part from a band arrangement or a transcribed piece from pop or commercial literature is also unacceptable. Students should be prepared to sight-read several exercises that are given at the audition.

Applicants should demonstrate the same proficiencies as Woodwind & Brass on snare, timpani, and marimba.
Percussionists should also supply their own sticks and mallets for the audition.