Return to School Information

All Jefferson County Public Schools students are back in school. Here are some tips for parents and guardians. 

On an average school day, about 65,000 JCPS students will ride the bus to and from school. This year, along with the change in school start times comes changes to school bus schedules and bus stops. The schedule and stop your child had last year may be different this year.

To find the bus stops closest to your home, use the Bus Finder App. Just type in your address and select your student’s school. 


CPS is now providing the Edulog Parent Portal Lite smartphone app to help you receive information about your student’s school bus ride. The app allows you to see real-time information about the location of your student’s school bus and receive notifications when the bus is getting close.

To get started, download the Edulog Parent Portal Lite app from the Apple or Android store. You can download the app using the QR code found on the JCPS Edulog Parent Portal Lite website.  

After downloading the app, you’ll be asked to enter a registration code. Use district registration code: 98295545. Please do not share this code as it is specific to JCPS buses.

The website will have directions on how to operate the app and follow your child's school bus(es). You can also view the instructions in Spanish and learn more about the app at our website

If your child doesn't have an assigned bus stop or you are having difficulty getting information about your child's bus, call your child's school or Transportation at 485-3470. 


If you've got a kindergartener, we have a Ready for Kindergarten web page devoted to preparing you and your child for the first day. If the kindergartener is riding the school bus for the first time, JCPS Communications has produced a video to show you and your student what to expect as well as the process for ensuring your child gets to and from school safely: