Digital Citizenship

Being SAFE, SAVVY, and SOCIAL in a digital world!

In JCPS, a digital citizen is a SAFE, SAVVY, SOCIAL person using technology to engage in the world around them. They have developed an understanding of digital citizenship, which is the appropriate and responsible behavior when using technology. JCPS digital citizens of all ages use the internet regularly and effectively. 

JCPS teachers, students, and families have access to our Digital CitizenSHIP Launchpads for resources to support them with Digital CitizenSHIP knowledge and skills. Explore our curriculum and resources at!

Image with the information about being Safe online

The focus of the SAVVY series provides time to be reflective of your thoughts, ideas and actions while considering how they are influenced by and affect others. Build understanding and engage in challenges as a way of applying and developing competencies associated with this guiding principle.

Definition of Savvy with Digital Citizenship curriculum

The focus of the SOCIAL series provides time to be reflective of your thoughts, ideas, and actions while considering how they are influenced by and affect others. Engage in one or more of these challenges as a way of applying and developing competencies associated with this guiding principle.

Image explaining Social with our Digital CItizenship Curriculum

The content and aligned activities in the SAFE series provide time to be reflective of your thoughts, ideas, and actions while considering how they are influenced by and affect others. Explore the content and engage in one or more of these activities as a way of applying and developing competencies associated with this guiding principle.