Praxis Information

About the Praxis Tests

The Praxis tests measure the academic skills and subject-specific content knowledge needed for teaching. The Praxis tests are taken by individuals entering the teaching profession as part of the certification process required by many states and professional licensing organizations.

The tests include the following.

Praxis Core Academic Skills for Educators (Core)

These tests measure academic skills in reading, writing, and mathematics. They were designed to provide comprehensive assessments that measure the skills and content knowledge of candidates entering teacher preparation programs.


  • Core Academic Skills for Educators: Reading 

  • Core Academic Skills for Educators: Writing 

  • Core Academic Skills for Educators: Math 

Praxis Subject Assessments

These tests measure subject-specific content knowledge, as well as general and subject-specific teaching skills, that you need for beginning teaching.

Praxis Content Knowledge for Teaching (CKT) Assessments 

These tests measure subject-specific content knowledge, with a focus on specialized content knowledge used in elementary school teaching.

For more information visit the ETS Praxis website. 

Preparing for Your Praxis

Before being admitted into a teacher education preparation program, you will need to complete the preliminary Praxis exams known as the Core Academic Skills for Educators (CASE) exam. You will be assessed in reading, writing, and math. 

Based on the certification you choose, you will need to complete the content and grade-level-spedific Praxis exams.